Glaze for furniture finishing
Glaze is a special wiping stain that is applied between coat. It is designed to be applied by brushed or wiped on the clear coating and then layered with the other clear coating. The glaze is special stain because of its application method and the finishing effect resulted. Glaze can be applied over sealer or wash coat (a thin of sealer) to fill and color the wood pores and grains. By this method the glaze enhance the beautiful character of the wood pores and grains. The glaze will
also help to handle the difficulties in coloring inside the carving,
small groove or gap where the spray cannot reach it.
Glaze can be brushed to color evenly to the inside part. The special properties of the glaze, is because it can be brushed or wipe to layer evenly on the coating. With the right application, the glaze can be layered with a certain thickness on a surface.
The even glaze layer on the surface will give the richness and depth to the finishing looked. The glaze application in the finishing system will mimic the patina (a mellow, or old look in a surface that is formed by the long time age). Over long time, the wood or metal will be oxidized with air and weather to form an interesting mellow look (old look). The glaze is the modern finishing material that is specially designed to mimic the patina. Since that reason, there some peoples call the glaze with patina.
The other uses of glaze is to create some special finishing effects such as: antique looked, dirty look, or burnish in the corners to make old looked furniture. Glaze can also be used to create special colors such as marble colors, or to duplicate the wood grains. In the antique finishing glaze also can be made in special color to make the distinct effects such as: dust in the midst, profiles or inside corners.
glaze highlight to enhance the wood grain
Glaze is made from mixed of pigment with alkyd resin and oil solvent. The glaze solvent will not solving the sealer or lacquer. Since that, the glaze is very flexible. It is easy to be removed, wiped or added without damage to the sealer or lacquer underneath. As well as stain, glaze can be made and mixed in all kinds of colors. The method of mixing color of the glaze is the same principle with mixing the stain, with the principles of color triangle theory.
Glaze to form finishing color is applied by sprayed, poured on the sealer or wash coat, then wiped, and then brushed evenly to produce a certain even thickness at the surface. The glaze application can be followed by highlight to make more life and rich finishing looked. Highlight is done with wiping off the glaze on a certain part according with the grain pattern to enhanced and alive the wood grain. Highlight can also be done at the carving or profile to strengthen the form of carvings and profiles looked. Highlight can be done with rag when the glaze is still slightly wet or with steel wool when glaze has been dry. The highlight is need a special technique that need art sense. Highlight should be made according the grain pattern in the wood the form of the furniture. A good highlight will create beautiful and attractive finishing furniture look, but an inappropriate highlight will even ruin the finishing look.
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