Antique white finish on wood furniture
Antique white is one of finishing color that is most used on the wood furniture products. Antique white is a white color with the impression of antique or old looked. There are many finishing techniques can be used to make antique looked such as: physical distress, sand though or rubbed trough, etc. The antique effects also can be made with the stain or glaze application such as: spatter, cow tail, dry brush glaze, etc. There are also much white color can be made , from the yellow white to the black or brown white. The antique white finish could be a white color with a relatively clean appearance with a slightly application of glaze to the antique broken looked with heavy distress and antique glaze effect.
Now in this article we want to write the finishing process to make an antique white color. In here we make an antique white finish which is quite clean with just little antique effect and sand trough.
the antique white step panel
The finishing step is as follow:
- Stain application.
- Sealer application.
- Applications white paint.
- Sand trough.
After the white base coat is dry, it is needed to be sanded to get a smooth surface. The sanding is done to make a smooth surface and also to make the antique effect from the sand trough the white color. First sanding operation is done to the whole surface of the base coat to make an even and smooth surface. Then continue the sanding on some parts to display the black color underneath to make the antique effect and contrast looked of the finishing.
The sanding needs to be done appropriately since the finishing looked will highly affected by the sand trough effect. The sanding must be done so it produces a naturally worn rubbed looked that caused by age and usage. The sanding trough on some edges randomly and well balance will create a naturally antique looked white finish.
- Sealer application.
- Glaze application.
- Top coat application.
Since it is a white finish, a yellowing film is not allowed. A non yellowing top coat with low sheen is the most suitable for this coat. One layer of top coat is enough if it already produce a smooth and even surface. But if the surface is still rough, then another layer of top coat is needed.
antique white finish
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