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Highlight in the Wood Finishing

Highlight is a technique used to emphasize the natural grain, texture, or specific forms of the wood by selectively applying stain or enhancing its appearance. Highlight is done by removing or reducing the stain layer on some parts of the surface. The higlight is done by wiping off or erasing the stain layer in some parts in certain patterns after the stain is sprayed on the surface. The highlight actually is quite a simple job, but it must be done properly. It is an art work that needs skill and art sense to do it. The highlight must accord with the wood grain pattern, the form and shape of the goods, and the final finishing look desired. 

The purposes of highlights in wood and furniture finishing
  • Higlight to enhance the wood grain
It is the highlights that strengthen and enhance the beauty of the wood grain. The wood naturally has grain patterns that give it a flip-off look. The stain higlight can make the flip-off look stronger and make the wood more colorful. This highlight must be done according to the grain character. For the woods with strong grain character, such as mahogany, teak, rosewood, oak, pines, etc., a strong highlight can be done since it will comply with the strong grain of the wood. But for the wood with vague grain, too strong highlight will make the stain variation look artificial and ugly. Even though the highlighting process is intended to produce uneven coloring, the resulting coloring differences must look natural and not conflict with the wood grain pattern.

highlight to enhance the wood grain
  • Highlight to enhance the textures, shapes, forms and antiques
Highlighting is also done to strengthen the appearance of shapes and texture to make them look more prominent. When an item is made with beautiful and artistic shapes, the finishing process is responsible for making the work of art in the product appear stronger and make more life look. The highlight will make the stain colorization stronger in the inside part and less at the outside and make the shapes look more alive. The same thing also applies to textured surfaces such as wood pores and grain, rustic, texture, and surfaces that have physical distress. Highlighting will cause stains and coloring to remain in the pores, wood grain or in the cracks and crevices of the wood, creating a more lively and attractive appearance.

Higlight to enhance the carving

  • highlight to create an antique look. 
Highlight is one of the important steps in the antique finishing processes. Highlights on the glaze will produce a dirty, old, and antique appearance. High light is also used to display the damaged and dirty impression on surfaces that have experienced physical distress.

Higlight for the antique

The various highlights according to the stain

Basically, highlight is a play on color manipulation; therefore, highlight is done on stain and glaze, the finishing materials that function to form colors in the finishing process. 
  • Glaze highlight
It is the highlight of the glaze layer. Highlights at the glaze are very common to maximize the effect of the glaze. The glaze is the special stain that is easy to be removed and added to the coating surface. The glaze higlight can be done easily with rag or steel wool. The rag can be used to wipe off the glaze layer when it is still wet, and it will give the weak highlight. The steelwool is stronger than the rag; it can wipe off the dry glaze and give a stronger effect. The glaze highlight is easier to do and more common in the finishing.

 highlight glaze with steel wool

the glaze after being hlighted

  • Highlight the stain.
Stain highlight: the stain is a little bit more difficult. The wood stain will sink and be absorbed by the wood, making the stain stick more to the wood. The higlighet is done with sandpaper to erase the stain, and therefore it becomes more difficult to control the result. The stain eraser can also be done with thinner. A cloth dampened with thinner can be used to remove the stain layer on the desired parts. The highlight is also more difficult since the finishing look still cannot be seen at the stain layer. Then the highlight must be done carefully to make sure it is according to the desired appearance.

 the stain is highlighted with steel wool

the stain after being highlighted

Considerations to make when you highlight

Highlight is a finishing technique that can produce a beautiful and attractive finishing appearance. However, to produce a beautiful and attractive finishing appearance, highlighting must be done correctly. The following are things you need to pay attention to in the highlight.
  • Shape and model of goods
The purpose of finishing is to produce a more beautiful and attractive appearance. Then make sure the highlights you make are in accordance with the shape of the item and make it more beautiful and attractive.
  • Type of wood
Each type of wood has different properties, each of which requires different treatment. Make sure you recognize the types of wood and make sure you handle each type of wood properly according to its properties
  • Step panels
Before carrying out the finishing process on a large item, you should make a step panel first. Make sure the step panel you are making is made with materials and shapes that represent the product so it can be used as a guide for carrying out the finishing process on the stuff.

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