Finishing for teak wood furniture
Transparent finish for teak wood furniture
Teak wood is already known as the superior timber since long time ago. Teak wood has been used for many purposes for long time. Teak wood has a very nice and attractive appearance. He has a strong grain character with nice pattern and pores and also unique pores, with brown base color that are very interesting look. Therefore, the teak wood product is already attractive although in unfinished condition. Lot of teak furniture product are market in unfinished, moreover mostly the teak wood are used for outdoor furniture. But with so many new models and the development of market appetite, so now many people are doing finishing for teak wood furniture to obtain the desired appearance. The finishing to the teak wood will provide protection and also enhance to the beauty of teak wood. The proper finishing can provide high added value to the teak wood. But some improper finishing sometimes can kill the beauty of teak wood. Therefore the appropriate finishing is very important to provide great added value to the products of teak wood product.
Before choosing the appropriate finishing we should have recognized the properties and character of teak wood.
- The grain and pore of the teak wood.
Antique finish for teak wood will give a nice look and many people like this finish. But for the modern design, the clean finish is also good choice. The teak wood has big and deep pores, so we should use filler to fill its pores and grain.
The finishing with opaque or solid color for teak wood should be avoided since it will cover and even close the beauty the wood grains and pores. The solid color also has high risk of getting problem with the teak oil.
- Color wood base
The variation or wood base color in the teak wood
- Oil in teak wood
There are some finishing materials are designed to block and withstand the oil in teak. But the fact is nobody can guarantee that the material will work 100%. After a certain time usually the teak oil will come through and appear in the finish. The risk of teak oil will be greater if the wood used is still not dry. The dry teak wood, with the moisture content 10% or lower will reduce the possibility of the teak oil problem.
There are other ways that can be done to overcome the teak oil problem, by boil the teak wood. Teak wood after been cut, need to be boiled for several hours, so the oil is released from the wood. After this then we can continued with the drying process and the next production processes.
Although there are some ways to overcome the teak oil problems, but the right choice for finishing teak wood is to select the proper finishing. Especially considering that the art of finishing is the process to enhance the elements that already exist to produce an attractive appearance. Therefore we should not impose finishing with color that does not match with the nature of wood. Solid color instead of high risk to have problems with oil, this finish will also cover and kill the natural beauty of teak. For furniture products with solid colors it is better to use material from other types of wood that is cheaper and also safer without the risk of teak oil..
The teak oil will come out and seem obviously on white finish
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